

My purpose for creating Fitlife is to educate, coach and inspire people to have a body that allows them to achieve anything their heart desires. I truly believe that through exercise an individual can transform the way they view the world. It opens up opportunities for them to live a life of adventure and exportation. I encourage all my clients and members to challenge themselves within the gym so that life becomes rich with opportunities. To encapsulate this the motto Feel Fit. Love life. Was created.


Q&A with

What is your favourite way to train?

I don’t have one way to train. I believe every form has its place and I love to be able to do any workout with anyone at any time. So whether it’s a weight session in the gym with one of our PT’s, a long run with a friend, a sea swim on holiday or a wellness session. I love to do it all and am grateful to be able to.

What is the number one thing on your bucket list?

Travel Australia and New Zealand in a massive RV with my wife and kids.

Tell us a fun fact / something we don't know about you!

The worst kept secret is that I was a professional footballer for 10 years.

Something you are proud of?

I could not be prouder of my 3 children. But professionally I am so proud of all the lives that FitLife has changed over the years.

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